

Satsuma mandarin variety came to Rize region for the first time through Batum at the beginning of 1990's. Although it was tried in different regions of Anatolia after this region, Gümüldür and Seferihisar regions of İzmir have become the most important ecological areas for this product. Although there is limited production in other regions, its spreading is restricted due to rootstock and ecological differences. The most important factor limiting this development is the rootstock (three-leafed) can only adapt to the lands with pH rate between 4.56.0. For this reason, it carries the quality of being the specific citrus variety of our particular regions. The kind with no pips is the leading of the earliest varieties of mandarin. Harvesting in cultures that are vaccinated on three leaves begins on the first week of October. Fruits are flat shaped, average fruit diameter is 51.22 mm, length is 51.22 mm, weight is 99.59 gr. It is the most important variety of mandarin for exports in our country.


Satsuma - W.Murcott

Period Table

Variety January February March April May June July August September October November December